the Challenge

What is truth?

Are you willing to spend 7 minutes a day for the next 7 days to explore that question?

Each day you’ll receive an email with a brief commentary by pastor, teacher, and author Adrian Rogers, coupled with a challenge to encourage you to think deeper about truth—what it is, where it comes from, and what it means to you personally. You’ll grapple with concepts you may have never before considered, and the final answer will be yours alone to decide.

7 minutes. 7 days. What could happen?

The information you provide will be used solely to send you a short series of daily emails. You will not receive solicitations or other communications from Love Worth Finding unless you specifically request, and you may unsubscribe at any time.

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You’re all set!

Look for the first email in your inbox shortly, followed by one email each day for the next six days.

Be sure to add [email protected] to your contacts or approved senders. If you do not see the first email within a few minutes, check your spam/junk or social/promotions folder.